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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Zero ProjectX Kernel for MIUI Kitkat Xiaomi Redmi 2

Zero ProjectX Kernel for MIUI Kitkat Xiaomi Redmi 2 - Hallo sobat Lapak Flash, Pada postingan yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul Zero ProjectX Kernel for MIUI Kitkat Xiaomi Redmi 2, kami telah mempersiapkan postingan ini agar dapat mudah dimengerti oleh anda. Semoga isi postingan pada kategori Kernel, Redmi 2, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : Zero ProjectX Kernel for MIUI Kitkat Xiaomi Redmi 2
link : Zero ProjectX Kernel for MIUI Kitkat Xiaomi Redmi 2

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ZPX Kernel MIUI is based on official kernel redmi 2 with adding some feature and optimizations, ZPX Kernel for Xiaomi Redmi 2 / Prime, this custom kernel just for MIUI Kitkat.

Feature :
> dt2w ( default disable )
> crc , gfs( default disable )
> fsync ( default disable )
> fast charge
> thermal control
> MSM hotplug ( default hotplug )
> Governor : conservative, interactive [ default ], lionfish, ondemand, perfomance , powersave , userspace , zzmoove [tuneable]
> i/o schedular : cfq, deadline, fiops, noop, row[ default ], sio, sioplus, tripndroid, zen
> advanced tcp
> 1gb zram [ work when init.d enable ] ( tutorial in extra )
> some patch init.d & tweak entropy

>> ZPX Mjonir MIUI Kitkat
Link : Download ZPX Mjolnir

This for enable init.d hope work on your phone  :3
> Download Busybox & Init.d Enable

Installation :
> Download the zip file and save it into the root directory of internal/external storage
> Reboot to recovery mode and flash the zip file
> Flash Busybox and Init.d Enable zip
> Reboot device

For more info and changelog 

Thanks to :
XDA dev for Redmi 2, ketut.kumajaya, nicknitewolf, premaca, Ashish94, s.sawrav, etc.
yoedi_7 @telegram build the kernel
Cangkuls Team
And for all who help us

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